
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Gretchen and Rob recount their truly horrible Mother's Day. Then they unbox Rob's recent Adventure Scents order from Oddfish Games, scents that he plans on using for his upcoming Ghosts of Saltmarsh 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons game.
Testing; Wayne’s World; Magical; Disney; Happy Mother’s Day; Villain; Critical Fail; Dice; d6; Snake Eyes; Snakebitten; Like and Subscribe; Parenting is Hard; Discipline; Lowe’s; Made for TV Mom; Roleplaying; Photos; Kiddie Pool; Social Media Lies; Weird Steps; Carwash; Dairy Queen; DQ; Kroger; Candy Shop; 50 Cent; Candy by the Pound; Meltdown; River Street Sweets; You’re Mean; Second Wind; Face Wounds; Exhausted; Doom Scrolling; Gardening; Gerber Daisies; Etiquette; Bean; Celery; Reddi Whip; Ice Cream Sundaes; Licking Ice Cream; Edy’s Slow Churned Mint Chocolate Chip; Censored; Tylenol Tampering in the 1980s; Cyanide; Goldfish; d4; Legos; Metal Dice; Dead Wrong; C-Mob; Dug; Norway; England; Oddfish Games; Unboxing Video; Adventure Scents; Diffuser; Ghosts of Saltmarsh; Pirates; 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons; Marsh; Fishing Docks; Rot; Island Temple; Brothel; Ocean Breeze; Pirate Ship; Fetid Swamp; Graveyard; Vampire’s Tomb; oddfishgames.com ; Swamp Thing Cosplay; Tentacles; Facebook Reels; Pole Dancing; Scream; Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants; YouTube and Chill; Netflix and Chill; Army of Darkness; Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves; Hasbro; Wizards of the Coast; Hugh Grant; Holy Guacamole; TikTok; R Rated; Evil Dead Rise; Vox Machina; Critical Role; Arcane; Cussing; S-Word; Sword; Deadpool; Logan; Wolverine; Old Man Logan; Flawed Individuals; Made for Social Media; We’re all in this together; Catharsis; Sailing into the Sunset; Ocean of Salty Tears; Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me

Wednesday May 10, 2023
RPGs & Baby Makes 3 - Reimagined Episode 6 (Ep.24) - Be Kind To Your DM
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Gretchen and Rob discuss poor treatment by a group of players towards their DM as noted in an article from the internet.
Here’s the article we chat about in this podcast, if you’d like to give it a read:
Checking the weather; Weather Forgetter; Whimsical Tales; Doo Doo Dee Doo; Wayne’s World; Parkside Neighborhood Association Meeting; Time Keeper; Long Meetings; Parents; Personal Tales; 311; Neighborhood Activist Live Action Role Playing Game; Critical Fail; Cheating; Dirty GM; Broken Characters; Strep Throat; Soup; Tea; Crusty Bread; Olive and Salt; Whole Foods; Biting Your Best Friend; Broken Tail; Rabbit; Liver and Kidney Issues; Pink Eye; Conjunctivitis; Sunglasses inside; Broken Friendships; Green Truck Neighborhood Pub; Martial Arts; VFW Post 660; Dungeons & Dragons; Kat Valentine; Ghost Table Guild; Rum; Mint; Kris Grand; Babysitter; One-Shot; Ghosts in the basement; Ronald; Pregens; Premades; Portable Charger; Podcast; Transformers; G.I. Joe; Sailor Moon; Power Rangers; Shared Universe; Beeboop; Headache from laughter; Temple of Elemental Evil; DnD Beyond; 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons; Bards; Stoner; Contemporary Characters in Medieval Fantasy Settings; Low Intelligence; Greyhawk; Krakenheim; Mark Henry “It’s Time for the Main Event!”; CBR.com; Reddit; perger4382; retcon; teleportation; world building; power levels; magic items; balance; character attachment; it’s just a game; DMing is hard; Matt Mercer is not the norm; The Lazy Dungeon Master; Random Encounter Decks; Improv; Yawn; Burnout; The DM is a player; Go with the flow; Adapt; Mr. Wizard; Burne the Wizard; Hommlet; Halloween Ends; Time to put the boogyman to bed; Ghosts of Saltmarsh; Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse; Rebel Crown; Blades in the Dark; Forged in the Dark; Slow Clap; Glitter; Robert E. Howard; Conan; Modiphius; 2d20; Carolina wren; Critical Hit; Like and Subscribe

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Don't forget to Like and Subscribe!!!
We watched the original trilogy of Dungeons & Dragons movies so that you don't have to!
Wayne’s World; Doodly Do; Tia Carrera; Chuck E. Cheese’s; Ski-ball; Ball pit; broken games; Janky; Savannah, Georgia; Animatronics; Chucky; Life; AD&D; 2nd Edition; The Temple of Elemental Evil; Gary Gygax; Like and Subscribe; Apple Podcasts; Spotify; Ice Barbarian; Session Zero; Side Quests; Vikings; Aaron Sturgill; In the Hollow of the Spider Queen; Greek Myths; 24/7; Junior Braves Survival Guide to the Apocalypse; Superfresh; A&P; Grocery Store; Salad; Croutons; Blades in the Dark; Agon; Scouts Guide to the Apocalypse; Graphic Novels; Kids on Bikes; I might could gaming; Huey Lewis and the News; If This Is It; Gold Dragons; Red Dragons; Beholder; Jeremy Irons; Box Office Bomb; Bruce Payne; Bulging Veins; Blue Lips; Elf; Kristen Wilson; Boob Doopers; Breastplate; Front Heavy; Cone Bras; Marlon Wayans; Wrath of the Dragon God; Sinister Orb; Enchantress; Fighters; Heroes; D&D 3.5; Lore; Puzzle Maze; The Book of Vile Darkness; Code of Honor; Paladin; Necromancer; Evil Characters; Vows; Nudity; Honor Among Thieves; Dungeons & Dragons; Gritty; Undead; Bad Butt Woman; Damsel in Distress; SyFy; Hugh Grant; Spells; Magic; D&D the Cartoon; Easter Eggs; John Harper; Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser; Fritz Lieber; Kitchen Confidential; Anthony Bourdain; Wake of Vultures; First Nation; Lila Bowen; The Shadow #1; Texan; Southern; Upgrade; Blake Couch; Hacking Genetics; Genome; Evolution; Dark Matter; Raunchy Fantasy; Kindle; Goodreads; The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern; Math; The Night Circus; The Collected Works of Conan; Robert E. Howard; Mystic; Sex; Saucy; Body Twist; Smart Books; Stephen Fry Mythos;

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Gretchen and Rob discuss Rob's recent Savannah Morning News Sunday column about the monthly Dungeons & Dragons event at VFW post 660 in Savannah, Georgia.
Wayne’s World; Podcasting; Spotify; Tia Carrera; cpap machine; pap smear machine; What is Roleplaying…Again; Amanda Plageman; The Simpsons; Nelson; HaHa; Naturally Contrarian; Debate; Inclusion; Black, White, and Gray (or Grey); Updating Progress; Goodreads; It’s a Game; Roleplaying Magazines; Fantasy RPG; Dungeons & Dragons; Wargames; Gary Gygax; Dave Arneson; Battle Mat; Grid; Strategy Games; Dungeon Crawl; Warhammer Fantasy Role-play; Terrain; Tickle Your Fancy; Get My Juices Flowing; Check for Traps; Roll Perception; You Don’t Find the Trap; Roll for Initiative; Antagonistic Gamings; Player Versus Dungeon Master; Storytelling Games; Ironsworn Starforged; Alice is Missing; AI Art; Chatbots; ChatGPT; Midjourney; Hero Forge; Savannah Morning News; Washington Post; Blakely Scott; Queen of A.I.; Anthony Scott; Is Acting Roleplaying?; Anchorman; I’m Kind of a Big Deal; Ghost Table Guild; Kat Valentine; 5E; 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons; Honor Among Thieves; Edition Wars; Charity Stream; VFW Post 660; Combat Veterans; Savannah Morning News; D20; Minotaur; SUV; Roadhouse; Savannah; Halloween; Gatekeeping; Desert Storm; Iraq War; Transgender; Odd Lot Improv; Liberals and Conservatives; Openness; Inclusion; Diversity; Culture War; Twitter; Social Media; LGBTQ+; Firefighters playing D&D; Stranger Things; Women Gamers; Video Games; Character Voices; Starland Yard Renaissance Faire; Cosplay; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; House of Earth and Blood; Crescent City; Sarah J. Maas; House of Sky and Breath; A Court of Thorns and Roses; High Fantasy; Non-Violent Communication; Brandon Sanderson; The Stormlight Archive; Spren; Magic; Designers and Dragons; Shannon Appelcline; Abbadon’s Gate; The Expanse; Amazon Prime; Video Game Strategy Guides; Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; Nemesis; Hidden Village; Ganon; Game Genie; Willow; The Mandalorian; Parents Night Out; The Grey; Like and Subscribe

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Like and Subscribe! And e-mail us RPGsandBabyMakes3@gmail.com!
What defines Roleplaying? Playing a Roleplaying Game Versus Roleplaying As A Concept?
Wayne’s World; OSR; The Temple of Elemental Evil; Gary Gygax; Frank Mentzer; Old School Renaissance; Oh Snap Roleplaying; Origami Shape Reconstruction; Don’t Split the Party; Assassin; Dagger of Venom; Evil DM; Dungeon Crawl; Dungeon Master; D&D; Dungeons and Dragons; The Village of Hommlet; Political Intrigue; T1-4; The Moathouse; Starforged; Micro Macro Crime City; Tokaido; Japanese Culture; Samurai; Oregon Trail; Morningstar Games Savannah Georgia; Koto Music; Competitive Fire; Gets the juices flowing; Moist; Ironsworn Starforged; Gm-less; Shawn Tomkin; Worldbuilding; Oracles; Random Tables; Fail Forward; Gritty Fantasy; Sci-fi; The Expanse; The Mandalorian; Battlestar Galactica; OGL; Open Game License; ironswornrpg.com; Modiphius; Storytelling; Session Zero; Roleplaying Game; Character Creation versus Character Building; Podcasting; Ones and Zeros; Truths; Prep is Play; Solo; Co-op; Creative Prompts; Is using your imagination always roleplaying?; Telling stories to kids; Poop; Ben Sperduto; Last Redoubt Games; Amanda Plageman; Brandon Sanderson; Joe Abercrombie; Susan Earl; Carmen Laura Loup; The Audacity; Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Tarot in Space; Goodreads; Kerri Maniscalco; Kingdom of the Wicked; Italian Food; Hell; Witches; Sautéed Mushrooms; J.R. Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood; Vampires; Picante; Mark Lawrence; Prince of Thorns; Broken Empire Trilogy; WTF; Dresden Files; Harry Dresden; Abberant RPG; Choose Your Own Adventure The Trumpet of Terror; N.K. Jemisin; Broken Earth Trilogy; The Obelisk Gate; Wheel of Time; Stormlight Archives; Non-Violent Communication; Sharp Ends; First Law Series; The Bloody Nine; Grimdark; Logen Ninefingers; Red Country; DragonLance; Bali; Indonesia; Brian MacGregor; Mike D’Ottavio; Safety Tools; TikTik Bramblebing; Kender; Dom D’Ottavio; Cthulhu; Carrier Pigeons.

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
On this episode, we delve into an important topic: GRETCHEN HATES D&D!!
Falafel wrap with fries; Playing a sitter to make a podcast and play games; Low Stakes by Nerdberger Games; Aberrant by White Wolf 1999 version; Is Session Zero considered playing the game?; Dresden Files RPG; The Fate System; Smelling Books; Evil Hat; Thirsty Sword Lesbians; Umbrella Academy; Dungeons & Dragons 3.5; Pregaming; Leveling Up; Fallout 3; Goodreads Challenge; House Rules; Rules As Written; Mutants & Masterminds; Marvel Superheroes; Crunch/Roleplay Balance; Ravenloft; DragonLance; Supernatural RPG; Pathfinder; Flavor; Ironsworn; Post-Apocalyptic; Ben Sperduto; Last Redoubt Games; Amanda Plageman; Dungeons & Dragons; Medieval Fantasy; Roast the Wolf; Kender; Call of Cthulhu; Keeper; System Mastery; AD&D 2nd Edition; Of Dice & Men by David Ewalt; Post-Apocalyptic Vampire World; The Magicians; Steampunk; Eberron; Spelljammer; 5th Edition; Dwarves love drinking and other stereotypes; Tolkien Archetypes; Races become Species; Black and White Versus Shades of Gray; Agon; Zinequest; Never Going Home by Wet Ink Games; World War I; The Very Good Dogs of Chernobyl Polymorph Games; In the Light of the Faded World; Kickstarter; Derek Kinsman; Amanda Lee Franck; Kids on Bikes; The Price of Coal; The Dee Sanction; Matt Mercer; Critical Roll; Blades in the Dark; Libby; Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff; Goodreads; The Last Silver Saint; Vampire Hunter D; Blade; Daywalker; The Obelisk Gate; The Broken Earth Trilogy; The Fifth Season; N.K. Jemisin; Green Ronin Games; Joe Abercrombie; The First Law; Hieroglyphics; Emojis; Mark Lawrence; The Last of Us; Cheese Pizza; Papa Johns; Dominos; Little Caesars; Mellow Mushroom; Squirrel’s; Never Read the Comments; Shut Up Frank; VFW; Ghost Table Games; Combat Veterans; Veteran Gamers; Vampire the Masquerade LARP; Indeed; NFL Football Playoffs; HUZZAH!

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
New-ish format, same old shenanigans!
Gretchen and Rob chat about:
Sick kids; Playing in a Cyberpunk 2020 Tournament; Goodman Games’ Temple of Elemental Evil; Pathfinder is Crunchy, Unless You’re A Brute; Playing the Games You Want to Play; Gem Room Games’ 9 Lives To Valhalla; Nerdberger Games’ Low Stakes; Ghost Table; Parental Reflexes; Anne Rice; White Wolf’s Vampires; The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri; Ring Shout; From Here to Eternity.

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Episode 18 - Storytelling Versus Gaming
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Is this our best or our worst episode yet? You decide!
After starting the show with a discussion of the Ironsworn RPG, we moved to sort of talking about "Storytelling" versus "Gaming."
After agreeing on almost everything, we also talked about tea, rabies, and tropes in grim dark fantasy.
With your hosts Gretchen Hilmers & Rob Hessler!
Music: D. J. Pinto - The Punisher
Link: https://youtu.be/4LHOhdKMRsk
Music provided by: MFY - No Copyright

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Episode 17 - Play Every Session Like It’s Your Last...Or Don’t
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
After a discussion about Rob's adoration of the GM-less game Ironsworn (and our upcoming livestream of a new Post-Apocalyptic campaign using the ruleset), he and Gretchen discuss playing characters boldly. Tune in as Rob goes from rigidly proclaiming that you should go all-in all the time with your PCs, to making all sorts to caveats after Gretchen presents numerous smart counterpoints that he hadn't considered.
Plus, a chat about Ben Sperduto's grim dark urban fantasy novel Blackspire.
It's a humdinger!

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 16 - Tabletop Gaming With A Baby
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Got a young kid and still want to play tabletop RPGs? On this episode, Gretchen and Rob discuss how they handle it.
Also, Rob talks about his love for "Keeping the Lights On," while Gretchen laments on character creation randomizers.
A way to spend an entire hour!